Power reimagined: modular and flexible batteries & powertrains for industry and high-performance driving.

Galvani Power: where technology meets adaptability

We designs, produces and integrates flexible and scalable modular lithium battery packs ideal for applications like:

Galvani Power: invest once, electrify forever. Instantaneity, innovation, adaptability. Find out how we do it!

Adaptability is our strenght

A new technology to cater to your growing electrification needs, ensuring the best integration.


The industrial production process and modularity lower engineering costs, without sacrificing performances.


A Supply Chain optimized for reliable production, without time loss.


A solution designed to be easily disassembled, ensuring the best maintenance, reusability and recyclability.


Configure the lithium battery according to your needs to get the most out of your powertrain, in the most efficient way possible.

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