Recycling or reuse of lithium batteries?

Since lithium is a key factor in the transition to electric mobility, its disposal and the recovery of lithium-ion batteries are the subject of much discussion.

Are we talking about reuse or recycling of lithium batteries?

Once a lithium battery has exhausted its task, it is usually disposed of in special plants, to avoid any kind of contamination. But, for a truly circular electric mobility, it is important that the reference sector adopts a more comprehensive approach, aiming at reuse and not just disposal.

One of the sectors that most uses lithium batteries is the automotive. When the batteries are about 80% of their capacity, they can no longer be used on a car, but can be inserted under stationary energy recovery. To store renewable energy, in fact, it is important to have high energy density cells, which can be found in the "waste" of the automotive sector.

In fact, in 2020, Europe proposed a new regulation on batteries, which aims to increase transparency, traceability and liability throughout the life cycle, also specifying recycling rates for materials such as lithium.

If we count an increase in production of electric cars in the coming years, then the demand for battery cells will also increase. That’s why recycling (or reuse) must be a "must" and not just an option.

A glimmer of light was seen in 2022 with the creation of the largest battery recycling plant in Europe, located in Norway, a joint venture Northvolt-Hydro, which can recover 25,000 accumulators for electric cars per year (growing).

At Galvani Power, for example, we strive to create a circularity in our project, starting from the creation of batteries to the end of life.

To deepen the world of lithium batteries, try to read our other texts!





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